rdale1 All the "news" channels are saying W won on "morality and family values". What the hell does that mean? The rest of us aren't moral? What a crock!!!
miss_plum if W is "moral" then i don't want to be. we are in big trouble, i think.
OmomMach2 In my short 36 years I've come to find those that claim how holy they are usually have waaay more skeletons and vices than I have. Unfortunately, I think your buddy is right.
rdale1 Love that movie by the way. My fav line is: "put da candle bach"!
rdale1 Had to laugh out loud. I'd forgot that line.
bean_ i agree with your friend, and with rdale and "moral." my prediction: by the end of the next four years 1) the world will hate us even more 2) the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" in this country will widen triplefold. god help us.
pixietart perhaps my evangelical mother is right, and armageddon is starting. gw being their chosen leader to hell.
epmd73 I'm still in disbelief.
epmd73 you see the DC numbers. 90% for Kerry.
epmd73 yeah I saw that. it was nice to see the blue in the middle of all that red.
T4Tots I think the American turn out to vote with long lines is a victory. Thanks for voting
hanalita took a while for it to fully sink in. can't quite believe it happened. it's not been a good day. but in a way i guess T4 has a point. i think ppl are going to have to make bush remember he only got in with 51%. democracy, freedom of speech... make these things count.
burgx Funny how the republicans are making such a big deal out of the popular vote. Last time around, that didn't matter much to them.
macwagen remember when he picks the wrong brain? very telling, indeed.