meadows it's difficult to tell the difference between the killer and killee. a good thing. happy halloween you two.
rosebud scarrrrrry zombie and zombie killer! ^_^ HAPPY HALLOWEEN BEAN AND ZEKE! ^_^ hope its spooktacularrrrrrrrr....
Whatfoibles Dangerous couple
maefleur LOL! i wish i could've seen that! you did a great job!
rdale1 You guys look so fun. Happy Halloween to you both.
T4Tots What fun!
it was an epic battle, i can tell. are also a very pretty zombie killer.
OmomMach2 I didn't dress up this year, I'm such a scrooge... Can you be a scrooge at halloween? I just drank.
xlime beanie the zombie slayer. lookin' good.
PatrickGarner serious horror !!! aren't cameras cool?!!
tanddjohnson looks like a you took a serious beating. love this. good job you guys.
Familybmx Thanks Bean. I'm about to take my neice & Nephew out trick or treating.
hanalita that's so fabulous. bet you were the belles of the ball.
duncan nice hobbie.