rdale1 I am a writer also. For me it is pure pain. Getting the words from my head to the paper or screen is a constant struggle. My mind is always three pages ahead of my fingers. Love your words.
love your words with images.
Jakes_World well, I hope **you** do, because I'm a reader, not a writer, and I SO enjoy reading your writing (s)!!! you're wonderful. (oh, and I get the feeling maefleur is following me... heheheee)
maefleur LOL! sorry sylvia, that was directed at Jakes. I so enjoy your writings too, and am more a visual person myself. that however, does not hit me the same way as what you've described. it's always a pleasant thrill to see something and be able to capture it on film (though, that's not always possible) a moment in time, a certain light, an emotion, a remembrance, just an observation. and if you haven't captured it, you curse, and try again. sometimes you can go back, often you can't. it is for my
maefleur (wow, was that 500 characters?) it is for my own satisfaction that i do this, and to have others enjoy my photos is just a bonus. delete at will! ;)
Mitxworld very cool !!! ;-)