5points Finding you here and seeing many many friends gives me joy
Misshomespun lovely shot. love the pop of greenery
Misshomespun re: it may be a typical hill but it's my hill and extremly beautiful as it changes. : )
Misshomespun re: yes it's a small world. Hope it made you feel close to home, and true it belongs to no one, but it does belong to my heart. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Misshomespun curious. Does your leaves change like ours?
Misshomespun or maybe a better question is do you have the same type of trees that we do?
tanddjohnson love the picture. welcome aboard and hope to see more of your pictures.
paulaferrary dream!
gaiyang46 Yes, the one and only, and in not too long a time from now Gaiyang47. Love the soft focus and deep green of the leaves contrasting against the gray.
ex50mm this is gorgeous, the silver and the greens (quiet reverence) and you know what? i don't really like this place at all so no more fotoamigo for me! see ya (and thankyou for the stars:) )
shadowbox Hopeful sprigs of greenery