mizstacie nice twin pupper-roo
rdale1 Hi Ben. I miss you buddy. Did you join the band?
Jeez, you know how much Ben looks like Scout--heck, he sleeps in his owld crate for Godsakes, what are you trying to do,kill me? This is like a daily guilt propaganda campaign against me and and my little bro for killing that dear alpha dog that we loved. Moral: if you really love them, don't set them free; put them down instead with the blue juice. I Blame MARK!
tanddjohnson which instrument does he play or does he just do vocals?
Darn, I thought I'd get some guilt going with the dead dog story.
velvetgold81 i love the fact that we all take photos of our pets. it makes me very very happy. i work a lot at home and just hang out with abbey and the kittens.....my heart feels warm when they're around me.
Mamasue Adorable
ben is super cute. and that fender amp is su-weet.
Misshomespun goodnight Ben
duncan Reminds me of the old His Masters Voice label on the records.You would have to be over 60 to remember it.
fabsmuff i love both of them... but i'm afraid to say that i'd choose the amp...;)
honeycut hello, yes, i shoot right through the eyepiece on some old binocs.
OmomMach2 Rockin' Pooch!
eutiveumsonho ben is so cute!!! :)
eutiveumsonho by the way, thanks for explaining @ fabsmuff!
macwagen Rawk the house, Ben. Good boy.
ribena duncan nailed this. oh to have a puppy.