paulrobere That monkey better not take that violin from that ram-donkey. He'll get pissed. On the other hand, that monkey does have man-thighs.
rdale1 Nice snap.
shoriline that's one talented goat there on the cello -- or wait, who's playing what?! amazing statue.
sweet shot logan
vodka_357 really, this pretty much sums it up, everything I mean, the whole enchilada. well done!
loganairport i forgot to tell y'all in the description. but the statue memorializes the work of krylov - the great russian fairy tale writer. wicked fun read for kids of all ages!
jjohnson very cool. great contrast. the animals almost look animate to me, but I've yet to have my coffee.
paulrobere hamburgers are yummy yum-yum fun yum... yum.. yum.