Things are not so good Jimmy,,,I stand to lose my job at ford in about a year,,,11 years of service and it's good by and good luck,,,I've been extremely stressed this past week,but I'm keeping up a good aditude,come this time next year there will 2200 jobs lost in Windsor,,,,:-{,,,,
Looks like a warm place...nice nite lighting. Weatherwise what's our best time of year to meet my brother and his wife in Chicago? It looks like somewhere between June and Sept. from where there was a listing of cities by max temp,sunny days, precip etc....very informative.
clara one for me!
Are you paying?? if so I'll be right there. I'll have a hamburger, fries, and a cold beer.
O.K I'll be there in a few minutes LOL Chips will be fine
Looks like a good lace. I laughed at you head series. I'm in the dumps a bit, but nothing like poor Petie!
Looks a good place for a beer,good nite one,G/day Jim.
Thanks Jim..I was thinking late June or September and my brother will know some places.
Good morning Jimmy,how are you my friend???
Thanks for the sweet comment,young man ;-) But you should not lie tomorrow is Sunday. I can't believe it but it has be 20 years since I was 40.
Hey Jim, I put a picture on just for you.LOL ;-)
Very good night photo!!!!!!
My Mets are doing poorly as they approach the Playoffs. I hope this is just them resting rather than a team slump...I'm not into football ...Love baseball,tennis and crime scene investigations....
Good morning, I think you named almost all the foods ; - ) Have a nice day.
He wasn't really running from a bear...He was running thru the woods for exercise...It's cool and sunny here and Fall is here but the leaves are still green. We have bears in NJ and I've met bear hunters in Vermont.
Re: I have had a lot of hurt and pain in my life and no one was there for me, so now when I see someone that is sad or hurting I try to be there for them. By sending them an email,comments,ecard, or a small gift.
Haven't been to that one but I love a cold beer and hamburger. just about any time and place...