celticvoice WOW you were there! We took the train from Jutland to Copenhagen when we flew home, I cannot remember where we were - I need to look at a map. But even if it was from Aarlborg I wouldn't remeber what it looked like because we were called home suddenly due to a death in the family. I do rememebr how maraelous the trainn service was - qe picked a car marked "Kovenhavn" and stayed there no matter what; what service! A marvelous country among many. This is a beautiful photo!
celticvoice Yes, Aalborg is whewre we stayed at a friend's friend house for several days, what a beaytiful town! then we went to Arhus and left from there (after a stop at Willemsborg? where the old "grand house" and stables is now or was turned into a National Equestrian Center?)
celticvoice Thanks for the map link!!! I was using Google Earth but you have to be able to SPELL the name or it doesn't always "get it".