pauljapan wow,fantastic image!
pauljapan Hi Mike,took Nadia to a dance show the girls did at the local shopping mall,photo taken after the show had finished.Have a good weekend!
tomswift46 I like the waves around the eye. Good morning Mike. I hope all is going well.
celticvoice EYE see it! neat!
tomswift46 Yes Mike I was suprised that Shirley was commenting on mine but I am not suprised that you got confused..we all do these days...Congratulations on the new laptop! Enjoy! Photomatix is meant for combining differently zoned fotos of the same thing but I ,like you, like to experiment and so I have been taking similar shots and combining them and then playing with that result in PS. I like what is happening with that combo....
dorey60 Good morning Mike. Hope all is well with you and the family.
jimvoves Good morning Mike, The weather here is hot, well it's hot for this part of the country. I have heard that Texas has this heat all summer, I give you credit, we only get a few days a year with heat near 100 degrees. I have a photo of a home being built near Burr Ridge, Illinois. It is going to have 42,000 square feet of space, will post it soon. I may try and get into it later this week if the builder lets me in.
clara Amazing work!
tanddjohnson Hello Mike. Are you home for the weekend? congrats on the lap top. I have two of them and love them. Enjoy.
celticvoice Congrats on the new laptop! Does this mean we'll hear from you more often? We miss you so much! No, I couldn't tell!
GeoChuck The eye has it. way cool nice work. I hear you got a new laptop what did you get.
apuntes Perfect surrealist !