celticvoice South African Water Lily? Very pretty! We want a waterpool . . . maybe next summer!
Hola Prado, que tal? hacía mucho tiempo que no pasabas por aquí. Yo tengo saturado los dos fotoamigos/mamapav@ y tengo inesita. Nos vemos.
pauljapan nice pic!Hi Prado!
clara E ahora? Yo no compreendi se son flores acquaticas o se estas son cosas que se quedaram en la piscina. Que tiengas buenos dias e un merecido descanso! Besos!
shakeh Very beautiful!!
MIKEDONAHUE this is pretty, how are you my friend
GeoChuck Boy I wish we could have some of the southern Lily's here but they don't make it through the winter. So we have just plane old water lilies. nice shot.
PETERGILBERT Excellent,,,,bravo,,,great,,,perfect,,,wonderful,,,
apuntes oooooooooooh !!!!! soory! this is not the Zuidafricaanse waterlelie! but de Myriophyllum of Brasil !!!!!! soorry!!! ( I have uploaded the zuidafricaanse waterlelie foto in flickr..and no here sorry about that)