tomswift46 Wow! Big house would seem! How are u? and yours? We are in Vermont with alternating days of sun and rain..we hiked 5 miles up a dam yesterday and watched the mountain bikers on the switchbacks and the kayakers take the white water...
jimvoves So when do you move in? Just kidding I would have loved to do the electrical work in it.
Misshomespun I would love to have a house like that, however, I would take that 7.5 million and build SEVERAL homes...
jimvoves That is quite a service. What is the square foot of this place? I know it gets real hot down their and the AC loan must be large. Electric heat? But i know of rather large shopping centers that do not have a 1200amp panel just for lights. That is 2400 amps at single phase. Even if you put the boat house on it it is still a lot. You mite light the Cubs park with that. Anyway my hats off to the electrical contractor for providing the large service. The largest service we ever put in was a 4000amp
jimvoves 4000amp 120/208 volt service for a eight story building with electric heat. An art gallery
jimvoves Sorry it is not loan but load. My big fingers you know.
DonnaW Beautiful home, but cost to much for me.
celticvoice This is a killer house - just read about a couple that won a Home and Garden "dream house" lst year - can't afford to live in it! Now it's for dale. Previous and current winniers have always sold before, huge upkeep costs! Just amazing work here! Hapy 4th, we sure miss you!
FocalAnLae Thanks re the light pic - that is so fun to do and it took me forever to figger out how!
pdonahu1 Beutiful House! It would look a lot better if it where on Rose Lake. MI..!
DonnaW Happy 4th of July my friend.