GeoChuck This is the black and white of it all.... You must get a lot of great shots with the pups and Max. Take care
dorey60 Hi Mike , How are you doing? This is a great picture.
frederike Your dogs? Great, want them both!
tomswift46 Wow! Look at the color of that puppy...looks unrelated...Cool shot!
tanddjohnson How many pups did Max have? That one sure is a cutie.
celticvoice Lovely! Love the black - who was the father? Thank you re keeping up my spirits re Boss; at the time, he was perking up, but the next morning he was definitely down. His blood corculatrion was poor, all the vitals were off the scale, etc. It was clrealy time. The new vet was marvellouly compasionate. Now he flies the heavens with Cutter, our pony, my brothers, my ad Copenhagen's sire, and more . . .
jimvoves Now that belongs on Cute Overload
apuntes Oh my..what a Beautiful dogs !!!! Wonderful foto ! Have a great day amigo liefsxxx, prado
pauljapan marvellous dog photo,Mike.