celticvoice Simply GORGEOUS Missy!
celticvoice Well, I certainly share your frustration. I have these beautiful horses and I cannot ride mucyh and certainly not like I used to. I haven't painted or drawn either in what seems like months . . . my disabilities are very different from yours but I can share the frustration of being unable to do what one yearns to, especially creatively. Re breaking even, I understand that too. You need that outlet to stay sane!
celticvoice He did get a big kiss and a hug and THANK YOU for the prayers! He's so much more flexible after struggling all day, that even though he's tired, his leg is the most flexible it's been in two days. It can only get better from here. And no infection either. DEO GRATIAS! (Thank the Lord!)
celticvoice Re sunflowers, we don't "plant" them. I have always had best luck by taking sunflower oil seeds (the kind for birds, small and solid black) and scattering them over loose soil. They grow quickly and have very shallow roots; they die if transplanted. May of ours were "planted" by the birds who dropped them! They love full sun, ordinary soil is fine and not too much water. They bloom in July and August. Every once in awhile we get a BIG one - one flower on a stem, but usually we get the smal
celticvoice but usually we get the smaller ones w/multiple blooms, very attractive and about 3-4 feet tall.
celticvoice Yes, last year's seeds should definitely sprout!
celticvoice re the seeds, did you let them dry on the stalk or "dry" them like drying flowers using a drying device (other than hanging them upside down, which is ok)? Ours dry on the stalk, and they sprout the following year.
celticvoice Then your seeds should be just fine!!!!!
DonnaW This is are so pretty!! Hope you are feeling better. Warmer weather is coming ;-)
thebillies So beautiful.