tomswift46 Great catch! John Gardner was a novelist. He died in a motorcycle crash. He wrote Grendel, about the monster that fought Beowulf...early English epic.
pauljapan good photo,well captured,I can see very difficult lighting...
titawheeler ola querida Prado! it's so good to be back to our nice and warm home, Fotoamigo :) linda familia! parabens! beijos e se cuide!
rdale1 Very well done Prado. I hope you are well.
candyruth Hi Apuntes - Amazing that you got this shot - you were holding a candle in one hand, a camera in the other, and your son on your lap? What a super mom!
clara Ah, que lindos! Minhas fotos foram apagadas quando fotoamigo fechou. É bom recomeçar!
DonnaW Great shot, hope you are well. Have good night ;-)
tanddjohnson nice self portrait Prado. your son is so cute.
shakeh Great,beautiful photo!!