DonnaW Good morning Roger, Yes I can spell that with out any R's THAT. Am I right. ; )
GOOD FOR YOU DONNA! That joke is so old it has mold on it! (But it still gets a lotta people!) :) Hi Roger.
I DO like this photo - "United Methodist Church" Can you spell it without any . . . U's? :D Have you noticed a new trend here? If an Amigo posts more than one shot at a time, only the top one gets viewed and commented on (in general)? It's not just me . . . Jes' wonderin'. . . Maybe that's why you only post one at a time?
PS I think Trina is working too hard, do you? poor gal. I hope she got a raise but I bet not . . .
mdanforth Well, hello to you, Jay's dad! I'm great,thanks and hope you are, too.
tanddjohnson Hello Roger. David took me out to eat this evening and then we went by and visited you Dad and Peggy. He seems to be doing really great. My week is going better than last week but there is so much to learn. My new office is upstairs and I must make 50 trips a day. I am looking so forward to this weekend with no plans.
dois_sete cool, =]
How are you today? It is looking like New Orleans will NOT be okay - one levee broke again, in Ward Nine. Other levess seem okay so far. The gap is 100 feet wide. It had *just* been pumped dry; it's the lowest spot. East Texas in for a LOT of flooding - after all of the drought! I told Mike to STAY PUT until it is safe to go down there (I put that in e-mail)