Neat photo, You need to take off your shoes to really enjoy your lunch break, like a true W.V. ; )
Nice chooes, man! Glad to see you taking a break. Richard says the painting was not a figure study (been there, done hundreds), it was a "soul study", andnits name is "Haert of the Matter". What do I know about abstract art? NUTHIN'. Just what I like.
I shoulda known you'd beat me to Rita. It looks like Louisiana is agonna git it ag'in, even though "they" say Houston/Galveston. That's awfully nearby. The Engineers say the levees can't withstand ANY storm right now, and it will be a FULL YEAR before they could withstand a Force 3!!! Will N.O. be back to flooded? Stay tuned, I suppose. (on the I-net, I just cannot take the talking heads on TV)
sory bout de speling I am uot fo ti yadot! :)
At this very second we have exactly 2300 Fotoamigos. I wih they would all POST! :)
To Rummy, it's all a game. He is a dunderhead. He stays 'cause he is loyal to the Chimp, oops, that's President. Sorry, chimps everywhere! Did you read my quote a while back re Ellsworth AFB and what the REAL dollars were if it closed? Shocking. What a MESS!
You are like a hurricane,there's colm in your eye'
Break's over, pal...let's get to work on that red beast.
G/day Roger.
Feet don't fail me now...