Natures_Daughter I've missed you. I love you. Have a great Sunday.
Hellooooo Roger and da Beast! We hope you are well, today is a lovely call-almost-Fall day. Ed is rebuilding there front ssteps *again*. If you do decide to sell, let us know, please, *seriously*, we are interested . . .
dorey60 Hello Roger, I see you are still painting
Is your little beast gas or diesel?
thebillies Great looking beast.
tomswift46 Interesting Detail....another week of work..a very long day...meetings from 2:30-5:30..
MIKEDONAHUE what a gem
titawheeler hi my dear Roger! always so nice pics! beijos, i am glad to be back!
dizzy I thought you had finished the beast???
GeoChuck Looking better all the time.