Natures_Daughter Beautiful flowers... I love you. Denny will be up next week to take a coaches class. He's staying with JD, but may come and visit with you a bit. He wants to see the Beast...
candyruth Very pretty! Nice color combo!
waleria great photo!
Hello Roger, very pretty flowers!
robrooklyn nice flowers Roger!!!
Nice mac job there Roge,great color,and great cropping,eh
gepp2 good week end...
BEFORE you put that beast on e-Bay may we know what you want as a bid? You can e-mail us at the addy in my profile!!!
doramay this is beautiful - bright, vivid, pretty, and colorful
pauljapan Great close up,Roger.
DonnaW Beautiful flowers, It is raining here this morning, we sure need the rain. Hope you have a nice week end.
GeoChuck Nice flowers Roger.
tanddjohnson good morning Roger. I have to work today 12-5 and I think David is coming out there while I am at work. I'll let you know for sure. I have been so tired in the evening that the computer just doesn't intice me at all. see ya soon.
dizzy Beautiful shot.... flowers make wonderful photos don't they?
Hi, Roger! Thankyou for these flowers. I loved!