dizzy You did a brilliant job....well done to you...
camerashy perfect...super job! Way cool machine!
tomswift46 We need to excavate around one room held up by beams on sonotubes and make a trench to "daylight" and place a perforated pipe in for drainage. Cool job and foto!
GeoChuck Nice work hard but worth it right!
Natures_Daughter What are you going to dow with the Beast? Good afternoon, I love you! Rest and relax now...
Lady in the sun!
tanddjohnson don't count your chickens, it will never be done. haha. looking good though.
BUT WHAT A JOB!!!!!!!!! We sure could use a little Beast like this!
DonnaW You did a "GREAT" job It looks nice.
Looks like another fine job from the MONSTER GAR-ROGE,what are going to do when it is finished?EH,what year is this little work horse Roge,
jimvoves Looks great. All it needs is white walls and a radio
robrooklyn ready for the maiden voyage????