doramay Hello Roger.
tanddjohnson good morning Roger. I am so glad that you came to the fish fry yesterday. Jack and Leah were pleased also. Sorry I didn't get to visit with you but I was too busy frying fish. I was totally wore out when I got home. We didn't get home until after 10 last night. Hope you and David don't work too hard today. I had to stay home and get some work done around here. See you soon though.
thebillies http://attacked911.tripod.com/ This is a great rememberance for the 9/11.
tomswift46 Have a good Sunday Roger. this was a horrible shaking event. I was in the High School Library ..we turned on the TV and we saw the first plane crash into the building and thought piper cub...then the 2nd and we knew...
I remember. I will never EVER forget. Missy did such a great job on this one.
meowwheeler Hello Roger, it was a sad morning for all of us around the world. I´m back after a very busy tiem at work, but hope to visit here more often.
DonnaW Good morning Roger, I remember 9/11 it was a very sad time. Your daughter is a very good painter. Have a good day.
GeoChuck I can remember that day clearly I will never forget.
paweldun Did you know about OUR 11-S here in Chile?
So sad! Have a good week, Roger!