gaiyang46 Cool!! Check out those gears!
Good mornig Roger, what a COOL LOOKIN' Beast!!!!!!!
David may drive Trina crazy with that thing! :D
Hi,Roger! Don't work excessively! ;}
OMIGAWD! Read my good news/BAD news thing . . . Oh geez, FEMA ought be taken out and SHOT. Isn't that what The New Orleans Picayune/Dispatch wanted to do, fire them ALL?
The ass in neighbor George's yard is a jenny - I have a new photo. At least us "ass" Democrats didn't vote for Bush. ;D I was going to "paint" a sign on her in the new photo about that but never mind . . .
lindseyheartsglen Thank you!!!
dizzy Da! beast looks good.....How are you Rodger...
MIKEDONAHUE thats a cool looking piece of machien
Bocephus What a manly toy!!!
A little work house,,,no doubt,,,good day Roger,,,,eh