Good Morning, Roger, it didn't crash I pray? This is great news for the refugees who did make it. God Bless West Virginia! SO many people saythey are never going back, I know I wouldn't. I am so happy so many states are reaching out!! Ours has offered, so far no takers but we are a wee bit out of the way! :)
I have heard that West Virginia is a beautiful place...I hope it is a great home for them..
It shows just how good people are, no matter what they have or not, Americans seem to come together and share what they can when things get rough. In a way people all over the world do the same thing. Why can't we do it all the time? More love is what we need.
Yeah! That is why you are skinny
Displaced students will be attending various schools around the state at no cost. Good for you WV. I love you. I hope you are having a good day.
Its wonderful of WV to accept these refugees....
West Virginia, wild but wonderful. Helping those in need.
Hope every thing will be fine for refugees.
Hope every thing will be fine for refugees.
This is such a good thing. We have a lot here in Florida. In hospitals and hotels., and also other homes.