thebillies We have a thunder storm here in Wales. I would much rather fog.
camerashy Quiet Sunday morn shot...sweeet. Hi what you are doing!
Vary peaceful Roger,good Sunday morning to you Rodger,
tomswift46 Beautiful "froggy" (thats what we call it) morning. Listening to Patti Smith singing Redondo Beach..
dizzy Our day started sunny but soon deteriorated into a thunder storm...
Good morning, Roger. It's overcast and very very hot, but we don't care. We are blessed to be safe at home and happy. Those poor souls in New orleans and everywhere else in the world who don't have what we have have all of my prayers today. Well, and everyday. But especially today.
salamandrina was goggy at the belgium Northseacoast yesterday too
Misshomespun I love you. I'll be putting pictures on peroidically but I need to rest after the long day we had yesterday. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Adam asked if you were coming to his play next week. I told him that I would try to email it to you. LOVE YOU!
thebillies Thank you. I was inspired by jimvoves sad picture.