Beautiful photo, Roger. I am thanking God for all of His tender mercies to those who are not THERE and to those He has allowed miracles to THERE despite the total idiocy of our gov't. That said, I am taking the DAY OFF from the news cause I am just SICK about the whole blamed thing and Ed and I will do our donations today and I am saying a whole lotta prayers like I have all week.
dizzy We all share your words...we thank the Lord we haven't been hit with such devastation..
BTW One of our friends from Wales, I forget which (isnt that awful of me) asked about Bush and would he remain in office after this latest gaffe. I was sorry to inform them that here he stays until his term is up because he cannot be impeached for stupidity. BTW I do not care who voted for him, we did not have much of a choice in my humble opinion. People have the right to dislike an elected official even after voting for him/her or, even for just one action and liking him/her for everything
and liking him/her for everything else. So I hope I am not hurting your feelings by talking this way re Bush. Some rights still prevail here!
jimvoves I'm thankful as well. Sorry to blame you for all the hate yesterday. I was full of hate for this Bush long before yesterday.
jahickenlooper What a beautiful shot. I am very thankful to be dry and with my family. It's a great day here in Cincy as well.
thebillies Amen to that. Those poor people. I have been speaking to one person hit by Katrina for years. Only today did we learn he is safe and well, but we were really worried about him.
DonnaW I agree with you Roger, I'm so thankful for my family and everything.
thebillies Thank you! I feel so lucky to be here alive and well and safe and of course comfortable in my own home. You just missed my new post and it's not so political. It is for two friends of mine who suffered a direct hit and have been found safe and well. :)
DonnaW Re: So true Roger, If people would love and care for one another all the time, not just when something happens.
jimvoves LOL on that wife comment. I cannot call my wife... I may be the King of my house, but she has the gun and she knows how to us it. I think I'll settle down for awhile and get off that hate thing. It would be better for me and most other people.
thebillies Thank you. I just thought it was perfect for those who need our support.
Somehow I did not *feel* you had voted for him - something else gave me that impression. You are a good man and a great friend, no matter what.
LOL re fat wife HAHAHAHAAAA!
tanddjohnson Amen Roger. I am thankful for everything that I have and for my health.
tomswift46 Yes, I agree. As the days dwindle down before school starts we are taking in the beauty of fall's approach and watching events unfold.Have a terrific Labor Day weekend!