Good morning. I hope that you are feeling well. I love you. Have a great day.
Good morning Roger. Good cong choice, Woody's son. I don't feel so good about it. I wouldn't say worse than 9/11 because that was an enemy attack, but man, looking through the Reuters photos . . . it reminds me of the devestation after the earthquake at Bam, Iran (which has never been rebuilt in any way). And the way some people died . . .
I think what makes me sickest is the incredible looting. Unbelievable. I don't know what's going to happen to that part of N. Orleans, it is so bad - they say today that Jefferson parish (county) is virtually destroyed. the French Quarter was not badly damaged because it's above sea level and didn't rely on levees. They haven't fixed the levees yet. They were not prepared for this at all . . . you would think they would have been . . .
Ed heard on the news that gators etc. from the swamps and bayous have been seen . . .
Hi, Roger! I'm very sad about de damages and death in your country! Poor people! I'm very sad, also, about the explosion in Iraque, about the hungry in Africa. Oh, man! What is this?
Nice one. I'm always careful don't worry. My camera has made me more daring but not to the degree I will be in real danger. There was no wind this day. ;)
It is awful,all the devastation.....Let's hope that this doesn't happen again for a very long time..
Nice thoughts Roger. I use to work the train from Chicago to New Orleans for several years. Candyruth and I worked for Amtrak. It is very sad what has happened.
Great song Roger. I just can't believe the pictures of the damage and water. I guess our flooding is minor compared to this.
Great song and picture for today. What a horrible thing for those people of our nation to have to live through. We are very fortunate and need to count all of our blessings today. Thanks for the reminder.
Great picture and song, Every time I get gas, it has went up.
How are you today, my friend? I am drenched in sorrow . . . Gas hit $2.99 this morning, was $2.75 after midnight when Ed was on the way hime but he wanted to get home, we bet when he goes to work it will be higher. The creeps (oil barons). They are as bad as the looters. Did you catch that Bush ONLY LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW of Air Force One on his way to Crawford???? SHEESH! I saw a photo of that.
That's me too. i READ ABOUT THE POOR FELLOW WITH LING CANCER . . . Also looting of HOMES? It all makes me SICK. Ed and I were talking; I said over and over "WHY weren't they better prepared???" I mean, there's a threat to New Orleans EVery year! Before "flying over" New Orleans on his way to Texas yesterday (he stopped there and then went on to Washington), Bush was CELEBRATING McCAIN'S BIRTHDAY in Arizona! GOOD LORD ALMIGHTY!
You said it - BASTARDS! And as Ed watched his investments, he will see gas company earnings RISE. The gas stations won't see a penny of the increase. WHOLESALE pictures went to $3/gallon yesterday. (NOOOOO we do NOT invest in oil!!)
I guess what also gets me is WHAT'S COMING: disease. The nurses and doctors at work were talking with Ed about cholera and malrai - it's 90 degrees down there! SOme thought about going down to help - in one hospital (University of Tulare), they ran out of diesel for the generators, could not evacuate patients. The other, Charity Hospital was still going, BUT patients are DYING IN THE HOSPITALS. So much for the most "civilized" nation on earth.
Ed said that looters had hit the gun shops and pharmacies . . . wonderful. And do OUR troops and cops have assault weaspons? No. The unit where he works (Same Day Surgery) is "off" the hopital campus; they had CNN running in the front area. He had to stop watching. I can't watch. Reading the articles and seeing the papaers is bad enough.
"Authorities suspended an evacuation of New Orleans on Thursday after a reported shooting at a U.S. military helicopter. President George W. Bush urged "zero tolerance" for lawlessness in the wake of Hurricane Katrina." NEW from Reuters.
I cannot watch the news AT ALL! I read only on the Internet to avoid overload. I just talked to Ed (he's at work) and it's all the docs and nurses are talking about, they feel SO helpless!
hey rdale