dizzy Wow where did you get this shot from???
DonnaW Good morning Roger, I feel so sorry for those people. I lived there in the 60's. Not much rain here yet.
I saw many more like it on AOL's AP story . . . very very bad. One whole condo complex flattened like a house of cards. Right on the Gulf shoreline in Biloxi. They did not evacuate, then help couldn't get to them. Blew two huge holes in the Superdome.
I'll post some on celticvoice
VIVACA Wow, incredible scene. We all feel so sorry for these people. Good luck
jimvoves Get your hip boots and rain coat on. Looks like you, Donna and Trina are going to get some of that storm. I complain all summer about the lack of rain and now look at what they have to go through down south. I just did not realize how lucky I was. Take care
Very sad! I folloied with sadness everything what he happened. But with faith of that the people recoup of the disaster.
Natures_Daughter I'm sorry, I thought that I had emailed it to you http://www.wvwc.edu/ath/footsche.asp I LOVE YOU!!!
tanddjohnson We are so lucky to just get the rain. Hope we don't get too much flooding though.
Natures_Daughter The pictures are so sad to look at. I'm not sure taht I could rebuild time and time again.
The choppers were all in use for rescues. new aerial photos on voice and catholics.