It's going to be bad
The rain is chilling my bones already. LOVE YOU!
From the UK Times, Aug 29th , in an article on skin cancer and redheads, the article gives reasons for why redheads exist. The final conjecture explains Roger's obsession "An alternative explanation is that the pale skin that often goes with red and strawberry blonde hair is so attractive that it helps women who possess it to get mates".
Oh, as for the storm, a hell of a lot of people in in poor shanty buildings in that area--expect many homeless. The Damn news reports New Orleans as if the whole area is made up only of the brick buildings of Bourbon Street.
I think I will keep my name now that I am famous and everone knows it. haha
A very bad monster! Hi, Roger!
I do hope that noone gets hurt...Let us hope it never lands...
So they're talking about price gouging b ut not the fact that the oil companies continuously gouge their customers...what a Monopoly!
We are getting rain now, not from Katrina yet. I have watched the new on and off all day, sure hope no one was hurt or killed.
I forgot the s on news.
You're welcome! They are such nice people. I didn't think you'd see them until morning. You're up late.
No - Much too late for this old lady.