celticvoice Super shots! If your gov and reps and congresspeople fight as hard as ours did (not just Thune altho he gets kudos galore and I am glad Daschle lost to him) - it was a **huge, bipartisan, statewide** effort) you may be successful. What they are doing to our defense system is nuts. I am not for war, but if we are going to realign, let's make sense when we do it!
celticvoice PS I hope you are feeling better than me :-/
GeoChuck I could manage to live there if you twisted my arm. Och ok I will
sfarnsworth Where is this at. It is beautiful scenery.
sfarnsworth How is the tractor coming. You will need to post pictures so we can see the progress.
Good bye, trees! Are You Ok now?
tanddjohnson Only worked half a day today. wait till you hear all the changes coming at work. I am so depressed right now. will fill you in later. I think David is coming to see you in the morning some time.
thebillies OH WOW! Wish I were there! Thank you SOOOO MUCH! I truly love seeing the world this way. This place is magical.
VIVACA Ey! How I wish to be there! Special place. :D
Great shot Roger,I take it your feeling better?
dorey60 Great shot Roger. Hope your on the mend today.
apuntes how Wonderful vieuw !!!!!!! Goodmorning Roger ! have a nice weekend amigo!
dizzy Beautiful landscape.....What a great place for walking around and soaking in the views..
Misshomespun Good morning. What a beautiful spread. I could enjoy living there. And the wildlife that I would be able to shoot. (w/ camera) I love you. I hope that you are feeling better. I had 2 shots yesterday. B12 and cortizone. I'm feeling less stiff and painful today, even despite the weather.