robrooklyn nice pie Roger, I hope that you are going to share it... Hope you are feeling better.
Misshomespun Oh yes, MY OH MY!!! Have a piece for me, it's not on my diet.
dorey60 Sure looks good. Hope you are feeling better.
tanddjohnson Ok, who is feeling sorry for you. You never have the good stuff when I am there to visit.
jimvoves It sure looks good. I can only have sugar free pie. My Mom made me pies when I was home. I miss her cooking. Glad you are feeling better
MIKEDONAHUE you must be feeling better
Hi Roger,you must be feeling better,thats some good eats you have there.... :~}
candyruth Ooh, I just gained 2 pounds looking at this delicious pie foto! Thanks a lot!!
Yumm, bet that made ya feel better.
apuntes mmmmmmmmmmmmm what a pie!!!!!!! I like it too!!
dizzy That sure looks fantastic..