Misshomespun I LOVE YOU! I hope that you are feeling better soon. BIG HUGS AND KISSES!
robrooklyn get well soon Roger!
dizzy We hope you get well soon Roger......
Hi, Roger. Are You better now? I hope so! :}
DonnaW Good evening Roger, Hope you start feeling better real soon.
dorey60 Good evening Roger. Sorry to hear of your being sick. Hope you feel better soon.
Misshomespun I'm glad that Jay and Lori liked my painting. Makes me feel better about my painting. Love you. I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for welcoming Kevin.
tanddjohnson Too much company I guess huh? Hope you enjoyed them though and weren't too sick while they were here. I am feeling alot better.
tomswift46 I'm sos orry to hear that Roger.I hope you feel better soon. Strong self portrait.
tomswift46 Mets are doing great and Bosox are still ahead of the Evil Empire.
MIKEDONAHUE Sorry to hear your under the weather Roger, get better real soon amigo
If your sick and feeling down,see your friends at photoamigo they'll bring you round,and if your too sick to crunch the keys,just sit back and view the photos, its a breeze,I hope your feeling better,and you get well soon,we all miss you and hope you'll be back in tune........
pauljapan Get well soon,Roger.
pauljapan cool self portrait
GeoChuck Take care have a little hot brandy take two aspirian and take a photo in the morning...
candyruth Hey, who's the guy in the self portrait? :)