pauljapan Great Skyscape,Hello Roger
MIKEDONAHUE nice shot roger, good morning
DonnaW Good morning Roger, Beautiful sky shot.
Misshomespun Beautiful picture. We went to see Drew yesterday and get Kevin new cleats. Today is Glen's 1st day of college. Drew starts tomorrow. Adam is the producer and an actor in a play about the Flatwoods monster, scheduled for Sept 10th for the Flatwoods Monster Festival. I LOVE YOU! Have a good day.
dorey60 Good morning Roger. This is great picture. Al most looks like something starting to form.
The way for haeven! Very curious tracks of airplanes!
tanddjohnson Hope you are enjoying your company Roger. It is such a beautiful evening. I turned the AC off and opened the house up and it's not too bad.
GeoChuck Nice one Roger. Been very busy this last half of summer hope to be here a lot more now.
dizzy Beautiful clouds.....
DonnaW Are you doing ok? You have not put any new photos on for a while. Hope everything is Ok. ; )
doramay Hi Roger! Hope you're okay and just busy with life.
doramay Pretty skyline too
gaiyang46 Now that is a high sky.