have a good evening
It is good to see you Prado my friend. I hope you are well.
Ciao Prado, lovely colors in these photos:-)
hello Prado. they sure voted quickly on him. he must be a good choice if so many liked him.
My uncle who I am named after was the global head of all Jesuit Novices in Rome for 12 years.Through my uncle, who know s him personally, I know a lot about Ratzinger. I’ve been watching and reading his writings for years. Only some Catholics will understand this: He is a false prophet. Watch him closely and question. That is all I’ll say on the subject now, I’m too depressed over the choice.
Nice set of photos.
I disagree with David on this - he worked with John Paul for over 24 years and if you delve into his theologoical readings (You have to go to the Vatican site) he's quite an incredibly learned man. But he has a bad name because he did a lot of speaking on things John Paul did not want to say. I do not think he is a false or real prophet, and he's 78 anyway.
No me gusta nada
Que buena foto,la has captado justo en el momento justo.Porque la foto está hecha a la television no? A mi me gustaba más el otro Papa,aunque bueno tampoco es que sea muy religiosa...
Great to see you back!! Hope you are feeling better. Have a great evening
la cara de el me da un poco de miedo...
The man of the hour. I wish him well.
Read the wikipedia article on this dude. very interesting.