Pro_Keds cue 'circle of life'
hanalita juxtapostitchen, nice. scars are good. i have big scars, but no macro closeups of them... hope the hand heals quickly
mizstacie poor young turk
Hey, I got a some head scars like yours, now I feel like posting them. All on the brows and then on the hands as well. Always wanted one on of my facial cheeks...but I suppose I should be careful what I wish for.
wild stiches shot,...rough and tumble!
titawheeler wow! get well!
titawheeler O Descobridor dos Sete Mares (Gilson/Michel) Uma luz azul me guia Com a firmeza e os lampejos do farol E os recifes lá de cima Me avisam dos perigos de chegar Angra dos Reis e Ipanema Iracema, Itamaracá Porto Seguro, São Vicente Braços abertos sempre a esperar | Pois bem cheguei | Quero ficar bem à vontade | Na verdade eu sou assim | Descobridor dos Sete Mares | Navegar eu quero Uma luz me ilumina Com a clareza e os brilhos do cristal Transando as cores de
shastared frankenpinkie
anonmz they kinda look alike... and everyone's boat is dodgy
what happened to your hand?? I've got a funny scar, it kinda looks like the map of Australia (skateboard fall)